Assets are any devices or other components of the environment you have set up that supports activities related to information, or information exchange. This information exchange will likely occur between two separate devices, or between servers and will be made more simple by the addition of more up-to-date hardware.
An asset in general is described as something useful to your organization in some way or anything valuable your organization may hold, be it information, data, or any hardware. The goal of an asset manager is to make sure that all assets currently in use meet the requirements of an asset and that every asset is receiving the care it needs when it needs it. Unfortunately, a well-known and proven fact of the life of an asset is that every asset has a limited life cycle, eventually, hardware will break down after extended use. Even software becomes outdated over time.
However, whenever assets go missing or become unusable they become ghost assets. Ghost assets are not always noticeable at first glance, continuing to account for these ghost assets can be very problematic to your organization in the future. Proper managing and security of your assets and whatever ghost assets may have accrued will ensure a very long life of usefulness, but it will also help in other ways. Another way it will help is by cutting expenses to a much more manageable size. Ghost assets in software can take up a lot of processing power and memory on computer databases. Other corrupted data will do the same, and it will drive your cost of use up depending on the cloud services and integrations you use.
Asset management can also now be done with mobile devices as well as using a personal computer. Although people will normally use their computers to scan and sync with what many know as the centralized asset database. The introduction to management through mobile devices also cuts down on the cost of some instances where paperwork used to be necessary. Of course, personal computers already eliminated many, the mobility and ease of use of a personal mobile device add an entirely new and unthought level of management accessibility. Since these devices are mobile, they do not need to be used at the worksite to access any servers and can access these servers at any time because of this.